Dear LAMMPS developers,
I’ve successfully installed LAMMPS for three times, but this forth time I got a new error and I’m really confused:
Dear LAMMPS developers,
I’ve successfully installed LAMMPS for three times, but this forth time I got a new error and I’m really confused:
Dear LAMMPS developers,
I've successfully installed LAMMPS for three times, but this forth time I
got a new error and I'm really confused:g++: error: lmpich: No such file or directory
g++: error: lmpi: No such file or directory
g++: error: lpthread: No such file or directory
g++: error: lfftw3: No such file or directory
Makefile:90: recipe for target '../lmp_mpi' failed
make[1]: *** [../lmp_mpi] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/local/lammps_16Mar18/src/Obj_mpi'
Makefile:160: recipe for target 'mpi' failedAnd I'm sure that I write the right paths in Makefile.mpi, as attached to
the email. And I've exported these paths to environment variable $PATH. Why
g++ cannot find the lib files?
because you are not using the correct syntax.
P.S: I configured fftw-3.3.7 in usr/local/fftw3 and configured mpich-3.2.1
in usr/local/mpich3. The LAMMPS version is the latest stable version (18 Mar
2018). Only the packages of KSPACE, MOLECULE,RIGID and MANYBODY were
if you have installed your MPICH version correctly, the default and
unmodified Makefile.mpi bundled with LAMMPS should work correctly.