A suggestion on "neighbor skin distance"

When building neighbor lists, a cell lists will be built in bin style. It’s safe to set the neigh skin distance as Rs_new = box / floor(box/(Rcut+Rs_old)) - Rcut. This setting is more efficient, especially when simulation is huge or a large cutoff is used.

First, I don’t know what these quantities are in your formula:

box, Rs_old, Rs_new. I presume Rcut is the potential cutoff?

Second, not clear if you are asking a question. With the

neighbor command, you can set the skin distance to

whatever you choose. If you think that formula is

best, then use that value.


First, I don't know what these quantities are in your formula:
box, Rs_old, Rs_new. I presume Rcut is the potential cutoff?

Second, not clear if you are asking a question. With the
neighbor command, you can set the skin distance to
whatever you choose. If you think that formula is
best, then use that value.

furthermore, there are ​more parameters than the neighborlist skin
distance, that affect performance.
- the choice of "every", "delay" and "check". check yes, can help reducing
the number of neighbor list builds, but the check itself costs time, too.
so you need to find a good balance between the value for every and the
skin. when skin is small, every must be 1. so you save time on one side and
lose time elsewhere.
- when using long-range coulomb, also the choice of (coulomb) cutoff has an
impact. as a larger cutoff may reduce the time spent in Kspace, and since
Kspace doesn't parallelize as well as Pair. add to that, that for in-node
parallelization, you can choose between MPI and OpenMP, finding the perfect
setting is practically impossible due to too many degrees of freedom that
are not independent.
