about restart and log information


I have a c++ code which calls LAMMPS as a library. This code reads restart files, does simulation and then writes new restart files and log files.

In stead of reading from and writing to files, I thought that LAMMPS had a capability to input and output restart information (or log information) via arrays of data. I looked at some portion of LAMMPS codes. However, I could not find in LAMMPS if there were functions which allowed me to input and output restart information (or log information) by passing arrays of data.

Does anyone if the capability mentioned above exists in LAMMPS? If it does not, is there a simple way (i.e. not changing a lot of LAMMPS codes) to achieve it?

Many thanks,


I have a c++ code which calls LAMMPS as a library. This code reads restart
files, does simulation and then writes new restart files and log files.

In stead of reading from and writing to files, I thought that LAMMPS had a
capability to input and output restart information (or log information) via
arrays of data.

no, it doesn't. your thoughts are wrong.

I looked at some portion of LAMMPS codes. However, I could
not find in LAMMPS if there were functions which allowed me to input and
output restart information (or log information) by passing arrays of data.

Does anyone if the capability mentioned above exists in LAMMPS? If it does
not, is there a simple way (i.e. not changing a lot of LAMMPS codes) to
achieve it?

no. using file i/o is deeply rooted in
the restart process. you'd have to write
your own restart facility where it replaces
file i/o with copying of data.

why does it matter to you?
perhaps there is an alternative...


As Axel asked, it would probably be best if you
explained at a higher level what you are aiming to do.
