About src directory in LAMMPS directory with version 2015

Dear LAMMPS users!

I need input somes file in /src directory in LAMMPS directory.

LAMMPS version 2012 has /src directory. But LAMMPS version 2015 does not have.

Where is /src directory in LAMMPS version 2015?

Anyone could help?

Dear LAMMPS users!

I need input somes file in /src directory in LAMMPS directory.

LAMMPS version 2012 has /src directory. But LAMMPS version 2015 does not

Where is /src directory in LAMMPS version 2015?

this is nonsense. there are hundreds of LAMMPS packages made available
each year. *all* of the source code packages contain the "src"
please point to a specific URL of the specific version that does not contain it.
