Accessing voronoii volume for use in pair potential

Dear all,

I am trying to access per atom voronoi volume for use in a pair potential by retrieving data from compute voronoi/atom. I realize this process is similar to that used in computeHeatFlux to retreive vector_atom and array_atom quantities so I borrowed some inspiration from it…but my bit of code doesn’t compile (specifically the command involving compute_peratom()). I get an error which states ’ error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class LAMMPS_NS::Compute’’

  int vorocompute = modify ->find_compute(char_vorocomputestring_array);  
  Compute *c_vorocompute;

I’ve used a similar procedure to get data from fix_store so I thought this would work…

Any help is much appreciated!


You are missing an #include "compute.h" statement.
This error indicates that you have only a forward declaration of the Compute class available (from pointers.h), but when accessing class members you need the real thing.

That worked! Thanks for your prompt reply Axel.