Au-Si phase transition


I am trying to display a phase transition diagram for Au-Si binary system. by melting the system using energy minimization. here is the script. I wrote:

units metal
atom_style atomic
boundary p p p

region box block 0 10 0 10 0 10
create_box 2 box

lattice fcc 4.0782
region box1 block 0 5 0 5 0 5
create_atoms 2 region box1

lattice diamond 5.431
region box2 block 0 5 0 5 5 10
create_atoms 2 region box2

mass 1 196.96
mass 2 28.0855

pair_style hybrid eam tersoff lj/cut 2.5
pair_coeff * * eam Au_u3.eam
pair_coeff * * tersoff Si.tresoff Si NULL
pair_coeff 1 2 lj/cut 1.0 1.0

#compute rdf all rdf 50
#fix 1 all ave/time 100 1 c

minimize 1.0e-8 1.0e-8 1000 100000

min_style cg
reset_timestep 0
timestep 0.01
dump 1 all atom 100 dump.AuSi
thermo 5000
thermo_style custom step pe ke etotal temp vol press

velocity all create 298 39849 mom yes rot yes dist gaussian

fix 2 all nvt temp 298.00 2400.00 1.0

run 100000

The output is not correct where it says only 63 atoms are created and when I look into the dump file only one type of atoms are displayed (type 2). I did try and melt each element separately before writing this script and I just combined them together to try and find the phase transition for the binary system Au-Si where in this I place one element on top of the other. I am not sure If I have to modify the script or if this is a correct way of doing it in the first place?
any help will be highly appreciated.
Thank you!



I am trying to display a phase transition diagram for Au-Si binary system.
by melting the system using energy minimization. here is the script. I


there are *lots* of issue with your input, many of which indicating that
you have rather little understanding of what you are doing. also your
statement 'melting the system using energy minimization' is fundamentally
wrong. you need help, guidance ​and training (not just in using LAMMPS, but
also in understanding the physics of what you are doing) that goes *far*
beyond what a mailing list can do. the first step in such cases should
always be to discuss with your adviser/supervisor how to obtain the proper
training and supervision that you need.
