Blow out of initial structure


I am relaxing a carbon nanospring using the AIREBO potential. Spring structure is created using the Chuang et al. procedure [J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2009, 361-368].

I tried with (i) only MD runs and (ii) CG+MD. During the MD runs spring structure collapses (blows out) while during the CG minimization it does not.

I tried with different ensemble (NVE, NVT), different range of time step, temp. Nothing works.

I am using lasted lammps version. Here is input script and input data file for the spring.

This input script works for CNT relaxation.

Since during the CG minimization spring structure does not collapse, I am guessing initial structure is ok.

I will appreciate your comments/suggestions on this problem.

Kind regards,


************** INPUT SCRIPT *******************


variable input index spring-pitch25-3uc-data.txt


units metal

boundary p p p

atom_style atomic

processors 3 4 1


read_data ${input}


pair_style airebo 3.0 0 0

pair_style rebo

pair_coeff * * CH.airebo C


neighbor 3.0 bin

neigh_modify delay 1

------------------------------ RELAXATION -----------------------------------

thermo_style custom step cpu temp pe vol

variable peng equal pe

variable istep equal step

thermo 1000

output for VMD

dump 1 all custom 10000 dump.torus id type xs ys zs

fix 10 all print 1000 “{istep}, {peng}” file energy-data.txt screen no

min_style cg

minimize 1e-25 1e-25 10000 10000

fix 1 all nve

#fix 2 all nvt temp 1.0 1.0 100.0

timestep 0.00005

run 100000

************** INPUT DATA FOR NANOSPRING *******************

864 atoms

1 atom types

-50.00 50.00 xlo xhi

-50.00 50.00 ylo yhi

-50.00 50.00 zlo zhi


1 12.080000


1 1 0.0000 4.3220 4.5850

2 1 0.0000 4.3220 3.1450

3 1 -1.2500 4.3220 2.7310





859 1 4.9900 2.8810 18.5280

860 1 6.2350 0.7250 18.0860

861 1 3.7420 3.6040 18.7920

862 1 4.9920 1.4380 18.2640

863 1 3.1180 3.2440 18.1140

864 1 4.3680 1.0780 17.5030


I am relaxing a carbon nanospring using the AIREBO potential. Spring
structure is created using the Chuang et al. procedure [J. Chem. Inf. Model.
2009, 361-368].

I tried with (i) only MD runs and (ii) CG+MD. During the MD runs spring
structure collapses (blows out) while during the CG minimization it does

I tried with different ensemble (NVE, NVT), different range of time step,
temp. Nothing works.

"nothing works" is a useless description.

since your input worked with a different system, there are two likely

1) your structure is unphysical (perhaps you didn't follow the
instructions correctly, or those have a problem or are indeed bogus)
2) the potential (REBO) is not suitable for modeling this kind of systems.

I am using lasted lammps version. Here is input script and input data file
for the spring.

this is incomplete and thus absolutely useless.
