Bond atom missing error


Can you please help me to solve the issue? I am simulating clay-water system, it runs perfectly by 240 water molecules but when I increase the number of water molecules to 480, it shows me the following error:
ERROR on proc 22: Bond atoms 2667 2668 missing on proc 22 at step 43 (src/ntopo_bond_all.cpp:61)

I appreciate it if you could help me. Here is my input file:

units real
boundary p p p
atom_style full
neighbor   1.0 bin
neigh_modify every 1 delay 0 check yes
pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 12.0
kspace_style ewald 0.0001

pair_modify mix arithmetic 

bond_style harmonic
angle_style harmonic


bond_coeff * 554.1349 1.0
angle_coeff * 45.7696  109.47
# Initial Temperature
variable 		T equal 100

# Final Temperature
variable 		TF equal 300

timestep 1.0

thermo	1000

thermo_style	custom step temp pxx pyy pzz pxz pxy pyz ebond eangle epair evdwl etotal lx ly lz vol density  press

group layer1 molecule 1
group layer2 molecule 2
group sodium type 1
fix 333 layer1 spring/self  10
fix 334 layer2 spring/self  10
#fix 335 sodium spring/self  10
##### energy minimization ##################
minimize 	      1.0e-12 1.0e-12 50000 50000
velocity 	      all create $T 61673
velocity 	      all zero linear

############## Equilibration ###########################
dump	      45 all dcd 500 equlibration.dcd
dump	      44 all dcd 500 unwrapequlibration.dcd
dump_modify   44 unwrap yes

fix     69 all  nvt temp   ${TF}   ${TF}   100 
run         1000000
unfix       69

unfix 333
unfix 334
#unfix 335


fix 334 layer2 spring/self  10

fix         69 all  npt temp   ${TF}   ${TF}   100   x 0 0 1000  y 0 0 1000   z 0 20 1000  
run         200000
unfix       69

fix         69 all  npt temp   ${TF}   ${TF}   100   x 0 0 1000  y 0 0 1000   z 20 20 1000  
run         200000
unfix       69

fix         69 all  npt temp   ${TF}   ${TF}   100   x 0 0 1000  y 0 0 1000   z 20 0 1000  
run         200000
unfix       69

fix         69 all  npt temp   ${TF}   ${TF}   100   x 0 0 1000  y 0 0 1000   z 0 0 1000  
run         200000
unfix       69

undump  44
undump  45


Do you have somebody that can advise you on general best practices in MD simulations? Somebody to discuss your simulations with?

There are multiple possible issues that look like beginner mistakes:

  • you seem to be using far too many processors for rather small system. Have you made a scaling test?
  • you are using kspace style ewald instead of pppm. Have you checked which one is faster?
  • you are using a timestep of 1.0fs, which is generally considered too large for a system containing (light and fast) hydrogen atoms without constraints. Have you checked which bonds are affected? Do they include hydrogens? Are they part of a water molecule?
  • most water models used in the kind of simulation you are doing would be rigid models. Which model are you using exactly? Is it a rigid model? If yes, why don’t treat is as a rigid model in your input?
  • have you checked your simulation setup for conserving energy versus the timestep in use?