calculating volume of xyz data

Hi dear All

In my data file i’ve defined a xyz format of a helical nanotube, and i want to compute stress strain curve, so i used compute stress/atom command but as you know i have to multiply the volume of my system to this quantity, in order to compute stress. so how can i compute volume of my shape?

the simulation box is not fit to my Helical carbon nanotube. so i cant use “thermo_style vol” to obtain that.

Hi dear All
In my data file i've defined a xyz format of a helical nanotube, and i want
to compute stress strain curve, so i used compute stress/atom command but as
you know i have to multiply the volume of my system to this quantity, in
order to compute stress. so how can i compute volume of my shape?

please search through the mailing list archives for the many, many
discussions of this topic and learn from them *first*.
