Changing boundary conditions from periodic to non-periodic to simulate shock in a polymer

Dear All,

I have an equilibrated polyurea model with periodic boundary conditions applied (thanks to valuable advice earlier), and intend to remove the periodic boundary conditions along one direction before simulating a shockwave through the model. Is there a way to use LAMMPS to “unwrap” the model in that direction when changing the boundary conditions? I realize I should equilibrate the model again before simulating the shockwave.


Dear All,

I have an equilibrated polyurea model with periodic boundary conditions
applied (thanks to valuable advice earlier), and intend to remove the
periodic boundary conditions along one direction before simulating a
shockwave through the model. Is there a way to use LAMMPS to "unwrap" the
model in that direction when changing the boundary conditions? I realize I
should equilibrate the model again before simulating the shockwave.

​what do you mean exactly by "unwrap"? can you perhaps provide a little
ASCII-art graph or a little drawing?


I mean that if I have a molecule containing a four-carbon backbone, and it appears in the cell with PBCs like this ( where the cell boundaries are denoted by || and bonds by – ):

-C–H H–C--C–C-||

with the shock propagating from left to right,
then I want to move atoms so the molecule appears like this:


Actually, each molecule in my model has over 2000 atoms.


I think you could do something like the following:

a) dump the atoms to a dump file with unwrapped coords

b) use the change_box command to convert to non periodic BC

c) use the read_dump command to read back in the

unwrapped coords
