Different outcomes with same *.data & *.in while changing the parallel core numbers

Hello everyone,

I use the TIP4P-2005 water model to simulate the two-phase process of water, but when I change the parallel core number from 100 to 20, the outcome of the simulation changes a lot. My LAMMPS version is lammps-17Nov16, and my input file is as follows:

variables input

variable DT equal 2.0
variable A equal 220
variable r equal 10
variable L equal 75
variable THERMO equal 5000
variable Pstart equal -0.510$A
variable Pstop equal -0.510$A


units real
dimension 3
boundary p p p
atom_style full
timestep ${DT}
neighbor 2.0 bin
neigh_modify delay 0 every 1 check yes

create geometry

pair_style lj/long/tip4p/long long long 2 1 1 1 0.1546 9 8.5
kspace_style pppm/disp/tip4p 1e-5
kspace_modify force/disp/real 0.0001 force/disp/kspace 0.002 mix/disp geom
bond_style harmonic
angle_style harmonic
read_data data.droplet_npt

variables output

variable PRESS equal press
variable VOL equal vol


fix 0 all indent 10.0 sphere $L $L $L r units box fix 1 all shake 0.0001 100 0 b 1 a 1 fix barostat all npt temp 298.0 298.0 (100.0*dt) iso {Pstart} {Pstop} (1000.0*dt) drag 1.0 fix print_press all print 1 "{PRESS}" file press.dat screen no title “”
fix print_vol all print 1 “${VOL}” file vol.dat screen no title “”


thermo_style custom step temp press vol
thermo ${THERMO}
run 250000

The simulation is designed to mimic the cavitation in water at a low pressure, and the “outcome changes a lot” means the vol-time curves in the simulations are different. The vol variable in the 100 core simulation is increasing much quicker than in the 20 core simulation, which makes me confused.

What I want to ask for advice is that is there any other factors except the “floating point error” that cause this situation? Because I think the the “outcome change” in the two simulation is really beyond my expectation.

Hello everyone,

I use the TIP4P-2005 water model to simulate the two-phase process of
water, but when I change the parallel core number from 100 to 20, the
outcome of the simulation changes a lot. My LAMMPS version
is lammps-17Nov16, and my input file is as follows:

​please try the latest patch (23 June 2017), which contains multiple
bugfixes for tip4p pair styles that have accumulated since the version you
are using and check if the issue persists. in case it does, please provide
​the data file, so the LAMMPS developers are check and try to reproduce
what you are observing to be able to debug it.
