difficulty in constructing Al2O3

Dear All,
i am trying to build Al2o3 structure but i am getting error.
here is my input ,
would appreciate any helo in this matter

------------------------ INITIALIZATION ----------------------

units metal
dimension 3
boundary p p p
atom_style atomic
timestep 0.0001

----------------------- ATOM DEFINITION -----------------------

lattice custom 1 a1 4.76 0.0 0.0 a2 -2.38 4.122 0.0 a3 0.0 0.0 12.993 &

basis 0.00000 0.00000 0.35218014 &
basis 0.30625 0.00000 0.250000 &
basis 0.00000 0.00000 0.14782 &
basis 0.00000 0.00000 0.64781986 &
basis 0.00000 0.00000 0.85218014 &

basis 0.5 0.333334142 0.685513216 &

basis 0.5 0.333334142 0.481153707&

basis 0.5 0.333334142 0.981153707 &

basis 0.5 0.333334142 0.185513216&

basis 0 0.666668285 0.018846293 &

basis 0 0.666665858 0.81448678 &

basis 0.0000 0.666665858 0.314486784 &

basis 0.00000 0.666665858 0.518847063 &

ERROR: No basis atoms in lattice (…/lattice.cpp:223)

Dear All,
i am trying to build Al2o3 structure but i am getting error.
here is my input ,
would appreciate any helo in this matter

you use the line continuation character '&' but then you have an empty
line. thus the line with "basis" is ignored and hence the error.

please re-read the first three sections of the commands section of the
LAMMPS manual, to learn the rules as to how LAMMPS reads and parses
your input.
