dipole package in LAMMPS


I am trying to simulate brownian dynamics of polarizable micro particles under a rotating external field.

I understand that LAMMPS dipole package has been designed to model polarized particles (i.e. permanent dipoles). For polarizable particles, in the limit of low electric susceptibility, the mutual induction effects are negligible. So, the magnitude of dipole moments is linearly proportional to the that of the external field and their orientation is parallel to that of the external field and rotates with it. Therefore, this enables me to use dipole package for my modeling purposes. I use permanent dipoles with a dipole moment proportional to the field that I apply in my lab experiments and slave them to the field by applying a large field using fix e_field. I am good as long as I ignore hydrodynamics interactions. However, If I am to consider lubrication forces (via fix lubricate), I am going to face issues since for polarized particles when dipole moment rotates, it means particle rotates, but, this is not the case for polarizable particles.

Here is my question: is there any way in LAMMPS that dipole moment could rotate without needing the particle to rotate as well? Or is this possible for you to add this option?

I appreciate your response.


Here is my question: is there any way in LAMMPS that dipole moment could rotate without needing the >particle to rotate as well? Or is this possible for you to add this option?

There is no pair style or fix in LAMMPS that does this. You could
add it, we have no plans to.
