Dear Lammps Team,
I am a new user to lammps. I would like to dump some data into a file using the following command:
fix statdump all print 1 "${st} ${tm} ${Et} ${Ep} ${Ek} ${tmp} ${pr} ${sxx} ${syy} ${szz} ${sxy} ${sxz} ${syz}" screen no file dump.stat
but at the end of the computation the file is empty.
Below is how my lammps input file is written:
# LAMMPS input file
######### INITIALISATION ########
units metal
dimension 3
boundary p p p #PBC in x y and z
atom_style atomic #each atom comes with its charge
read_data lam11
variable GeSe string Glass
variable st equal step
variable tm equal step
variable Et equal etotal-v_baseline
variable Ep equal pe-v_baseline
variable Ek equal ke
variable tmp equal temp
variable pr equal press/10000
variable sxx equal pxx/10000
variable syy equal pyy/10000
variable szz equal pzz/10000
variable sxy equal pxy/10000
variable sxz equal pxz/10000
variable syz equal pyz/10000
log GeSe.log
pair_style vashishta
pair_coeff * * "./GeSe.vashishta" Ge Se
dump 1 all custom 10 dump.GeSe.equil.* id x y z
undump 1
compute peratom all pe/atom
compute virial all stress/atom NULL
dump mydmp all atom 10 dump.lammpstrj
thermo 10 #output thermodynamics every 1000 timesteps
fix statdump all print 1 "${st} ${tm} ${Et} ${Ep} ${Ek} ${tmp} ${pr} ${sxx} ${syy} ${szz} ${sxy} ${sxz} ${syz}" screen no file dump.stat
dump posdump all custom 1 dump.positions type x y z
dump forcedump all custom 1 dump.forces type fx fy fz
minimize 1.0e-7 1.0e-10 10000 100000 #minimize etol ftol maxiter maxeval, maxeval = max number of force/energy evaluations
reset_timestep 0
timestep 0.001
compute srdf all rdf 100 1 1 cutoff 10.0 #5.0
fix myfix all ave/time 1 10000 10000 c_srdf[1] c_srdf[2] c_srdf[3] file GeSerdf_solid.txt mode vector
dump dump_1 all custom 100 rdf.dump id type x y z ix iy iz vx vy vz