ELN inherritance of ENtryData

Dear Nomad,

is it possible to have inherrited EntryData, e.g.:

class Test(EntryData):
    '''An test available in the lab.'''

    name = Quantity(
        description='Name of the test used',
class TestTest(Test):
    '''An testtest available in the lab.'''

    fame = Quantity(
        description='Name of the fame used',

When doing this it only shows Test in the upload dropdown menue.

If I only want to see the second class i can do this:

class Test(MSection):
    '''An test available in the lab.'''

    name = Quantity(
        description='Name of the test used',
class TestTest(EntryData,Test):
    '''An testtest available in the lab.'''

    fame = Quantity(
        description='Name of the fame used',

Which is nice and is probably the interesting usecase. But I was confused to see that the grandchild of a EntryData Class is not recognized as an EntryData Class, this seems to be a bug.

Best Micha

Yes that is true. We should not only look for the direct children. I opened a bug report about this: Create ELN entry component shows only direct descendants of EntryData (#885) · Issues · nomad-lab / nomad-FAIR · GitLab