Error 2 code compilation problem pair_brownian_omp.cpp(94)

Hello. There is arise error during compilation last version of LAMMPS (build 9301), all packages except KIM-package installed . What can I do to fix it? Could anybody help solve this problem?

-DCUDA_PRECISION=2 -DCUDA_ARCH=20 -c pair_brownian_omp.cpp
pair_brownian_omp.cpp(94): error: class “LAMMPS_NS::FixWall” has no member “wallstyle”
if (wallfix->wallstyle[m] == VARIABLE){

pair_brownian_omp.cpp(95): error: class “LAMMPS_NS::FixWall” has no member “varindex”
wallcoord = input->variable->compute_equal(wallfix->varindex[m]);

compilation aborted for pair_brownian_omp.cpp (code 2)

Best regards, Anton Stepanov

It's fixed in the 24Jan patch.
