Errors when define a region after reading a data file

Dear LAMMPS users,

  I tried many ways to solve this problem but failed, so I hope you can give me any hints.
The part of the script is:

read_data /
region box block INF INF INF INF -65.0 65.0 units box
group mobile region box
region low block INF INF INF INF INF -65.0 units box
group lowsurface region low
region upper block INF INF INF INF 65.0 INF units box
group uppersurface region upper
group boundary union lowsurface uppersurface

and log file shows the error:
region box block INF INF INF INF -65.0 65.0 units box
group mobile region box
ERROR: Illegal region command (../region.cpp:397)
Last command: region box block INF INF INF INF -65.0 65.0 units box
group mobile region box

I tried to only define the region without defining the group and it works, then why it said that the error is in region command?


Dear LAMMPS users,

  I tried many ways to solve this problem but failed, so I hope you can give me any hints.
The part of the script is:

read_data /
region box block INF INF INF INF -65.0 65.0 units box
group mobile region box
region low block INF INF INF INF INF -65.0 units box
group lowsurface region low
region upper block INF INF INF INF 65.0 INF units box
group uppersurface region upper
group boundary union lowsurface uppersurface

and log file shows the error:
region box block INF INF INF INF -65.0 65.0 units box
group mobile region box
ERROR: Illegal region command (../region.cpp:397)
Last command: region box block INF INF INF INF -65.0 65.0 units box
group mobile region box

I tried to only define the region without defining the group and it works, then why it said that the error is in region command?

i can add these commands to, e.g. example/micelle/in.micelle, and
there is no error.


Hi Axel,

What version of LAMMPS do you use? The one that I am using is lammps/20170331.


Hi Axel,

What version of LAMMPS do you use? The one that I am using is lammps/20170331.

bleeding edge, i.e. current git master.
but this should work for your version, too.
