Expected floating point parameter in input script or data file

Hello All,

22Aug18 version LAMMPS. I am confused about this error Expected floating point parameter in input script or data file , would you please help me with it?

Thanks so much for your help and time.



###################################### in.file

echo screen

units lj
dimension 3
newton on
boundary p p p
atom_style full

It’s hard to say since your data file looks complicated. If your lammps is modern enough it will tell you what the last line it parsed was, that should help narrow it down.

the line: kspace_modify gewald order 6
is incorrect. you should definitely upgrade to a newer LAMMPS version. with the latest stable version you should get the following, more specific error message:

ERROR: Expected floating point parameter instead of ‘order’ in input script or data file (src/kspace.cpp:494)
Last command: kspace_modify gewald order 6
