Expected integer parameter in input script or data file

Dear all users

I am trying to deposit acetylene molecule on silver substrate,

First by using of  "read_data" I read the silver surface information 
Then I use molecule command :  molecule        acetylene molecule.acet
molecule context :

Dear all users

I am trying to deposit acetylene molecule on silver substrate,


molecule acetylene molecule.acet
group acetylene molecule acetylene

region slab block 1 40 1 40 24 25

fix 02 sys nve
fix 03 stoch langevin 300.00 300.00 10.0 529304
fix 04 rigid move linear 0.00 0.00 0.00
fix 05 acetylene deposit 100 0 100 12345 region slab mol acetylene near 1.0 vz -5.0 -5.0


and I got following error:
ERROR: Expected integer parameter in input script or data file (../group.cpp:313

I did run the input file with "-echo screen" and see that the "group acetylene molecule acetylene"

command terminates the run!!

Is the any problem in naming the group or the context of the molecule??

​LAMMPS errors out, because your syntax is incorrect.

​you cannot create a group for atoms that have not been created. that said,
fix deposit will insert atoms of deposited molecules automatically to the
fix group. http://lammps.sandia.gov/doc/fix_deposit.html
