I just installed v1.9.7, and when I tried to install a model, I get the following error. Am I doing something wrong?
$ kim-api-v1-collections-management install system --sudo EDIP_BOP_Bazant_Kaxiras_Si__MO_958932894036_001
Enter Password :
Downloading… EDIP_BOP_Bazant_Kaxiras_Si__MO_958932894036_001
fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
Not a git repository
To compare two paths outside a working tree:
usage: git diff [–no-index]
make: lib/kim-api-v1/kim-api-v1-collections-info: Command not found
make: lib/kim-api-v1/kim-api-v1-collections-info: Command not found
/usr/lib/kim-api-v1/build_system/Makefile.ParameterizedModel:220: *** Invalid config file. Stop.
Item ‘EDIP_BOP_Bazant_Kaxiras_Si__MO_958932894036_001’ of unknown type ‘’.