finding the coordinates x, y, z of interacting pairs in lammps

My granular simulation space is in cylindrical coordinates. So i need the stress tensors in cylindrical coordinates. For converting Cartesian coordinates to cylindrical r,theta is required. It can be calculated from position coordinates of particles in contact. Is there is any other way to get the stress tensors in cylindrical coordinates.

My granular simulation space is in cylindrical coordinates.

I don’t know what this means. You may be simulating a cylinder

of particles in LAMMPS, but everything in LAMMPS is in Cartesian

coords. It you want to transform a per-atom or global stress

tensor from one coord system to another, you’d either have to

do that in post-processing, or write a new compute to do what you want.

You can use dump local to output pairwise info for granular pair styles.
See the compute pair/local

doc page for more info.
