Fix print timestep variable returned a bad timestep


I am planning to run a longer simulation (> 2**31) for a very tiny 2D system with lj interactions.
Here is the snippet from the input file:

<PATH> -in in.KALJ_nvt_Nose    -var fname $filename -var tempval $temp -var runleng $MDsteps -var tstep $dt 

log data_${fname}
#log none 
units		lj
dimension	2
atom_style	atomic

pair_style      lj/cut   2.50    # Define interaction potential.
read_data       ${fname}            # # read data file (incl.mass info)

*pair_coeff  and mass details*    
fix     1   all enforce2d
change_box  all triclinic

neighbor        0.3 bin
neigh_modify    every 1 delay 0 check yes # Update neighbor

timestep    ${tstep} #0.005   

#prints only if also some MD step run command follows
compute     msd all msd com yes
variable	vstep	equal	step*dt
variable	vpe		equal	pe
variable	vpress	equal	press 
variable	vtemp	equal	temp
variable    vke		equal	ke
variable    vmsd	equal	c_msd[4]
thermo_style    custom step pe press temp ke c_msd[4]
#fix 1 all nvt temp 10.00 10.00 $(100.0*dt)
variable        s equal logfreq(1,1,2)
restart         v_s logscale-${fname}-*.restart
restart          500000    linearscale0-${fname}.restart linearscale1-${fname}.restart
fix 		    data  all print v_s " ${vstep}  ${vpe}  ${vpress}  ${vtemp}  ${vke}   ${vmsd}"     append thermo_data-logscale-${fname}.txt
fix 		    data1 all print 500000 " ${vstep}  ${vpe}  ${vpress}  ${vtemp}  ${vke}   ${vmsd}"  append thermo_data-linscale-${fname}.txt 
#set numerical integrator
fix nose all nvt temp ${tempval} ${tempval} $(100.0*dt)
run ${runleng} 
run ${runleng} 
run ${runleng} 
run ${runleng} 
run ${runleng} 

During my run, the simulation stops after the MD_step : 536870912
And the thermo data is written till time (=MD_step*dt): 5367500. Can the run crashed in between 5367500 - 5368000.

The error if the following:
ERROR: Fix print timestep variable returned a bad timestep (…/fix_print.cpp:177)
Last command: run ${runleng}

I don’t understand the reason, I am running the simulation with length < 2**31 with multiple runs too. ANd feedback would be greatly helpful.


Which version of LAMMPS is this with?


Thanks. As far as fix print is concerned that version is new enough to not have an issue with 64-bit time step numbers. But there could be some issue elsewhere. I will have to make some test myself and confirm whether this may already be corrected in the latest patch version. We’re currently hosting a LAMMPS conference, so my time is a bit limited. Will respond here when I have more news.

As a workaround, I would suggest to run the simulation in chunks so that the timestep number remains below 2 billion and then close all outputs and timestep related functionality (dump/fixes etc.) and then use reset_timestep 0 and then enable the dumps/fixes again and do another chunk.


I am just using a system of 100 particles therefore I hit this error in 2 hrs of run using single core.
The MS step corresponds to 2^29 still less than 2^31 and possible should be able to dump the time step for 2^30 at least.

I use many small “run” for MDsteps/ length 900000000 \approx 2^29.745.

The resetting time stamp does make sense as a workaround however the simulation setup won’t be clean :(. But I thought to seek your attention if I am really making some silly mistake. But we can surely follow up more once you have time to check it.

Thanks for your consideration.

Just made a simple test with an input doing nothing and the current patch version of LAMMPS (30 July 2021) works fine. After some careful checking, this looks like a bug that has been fixed after your version was released. The code for the logfreq() and similar functions in the variable command was not made 64-bit safe until rather recently. With 32-bit integer math it will overflow and return an invalid negative value.

Ohh, fantastic.

I will check that too. I have edited and added new potential file so I will need to edit that too but fist I will check my script for this point.

Will get get back to you.


Here is my little test script:

region box block 0 1 0 1 0 1
create_box 1 box
create_atoms 1 single 0.0 0.0 0.0

pair_style zero 0.001
pair_coeff * *
mass * 1.0
neigh_modify once yes

variable s equal logfreq(1,1,2)
fix 1 all print v_s "$(step)"

run 2000000000

Yes, it is good now.
