functional graphene stress-strain curve not starting from 0

Hello everyone,

I have simulated single layered graphene sheet with CVFF potential. The stress-strain curve for pristine graphene started from 0, but when I started adding -OH groups on the surface, the curve no longer started from 0. For, 100% functionalization, the curve started from 90 GPa and fractured at 140 GPa. Is it because, the O atoms are pulling the C atoms up, causing residual stresses, or am I calculating stresses incorrectly? But I am getting good results for pristine graphene. I am using per/atom stress command to calculate the stresses for C atoms. Here’s part of my input script:
I will greatly appreciate any suggestion. Thank you.


graphene (1-layer) (functionalized with -OH group)

strain in x-direction (zigzag)


echo screen
log debug_grap1ohfull.log

units real
atom_style full
boundary p p p

Bonded Interaction

bond_style morse
angle_style harmonic
dihedral_style harmonic
improper_style cvff

Non-Bonded Interaction

pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 10.0 10.0 # cutoff1 = 2.5*sigma

read_data data.grap1ohfull

kspace_style ewald 1e-6

neighbor 5.0 bin

#neigh_modify delay 0 every 1 one 10000 check yes
neigh_modify delay 0 every 1 check yes

pair_modify mix arithmetic tail no

#------------ define groups ------------------xxx
group graphene type 1
group oxygen type 2
group ho type 3

compute tmpall all temp
compute mobile_temp all temp

variable temp equal “300” # Kelvin
velocity all create ${temp} 878234 temp mobile_temp dist gaussian mom yes rot yes
#velocity graphene set 1e-6 0.0 0.0 temp mobile_temp units box dist gaussian mom yes rot no

#------------------energy minimization-----------------------------xxx
#------------------NVE + Temp/rescale------------------------------xxx

minimize 1.0e-4 1.0e-6 100 1000
min_style cg
min_modify dmax 0.1

fix 2 all nve
fix 3 all temp/rescale 1 {temp} {temp} 1.0 0.5
fix 4 all langevin {temp} {temp} 100.0 2341456

timestep 1
thermo 100
#thermo_style custom step temp pe etotal press vol density evdwl ecoul elong epair ebond eangle edihed eimp emol # epair = evdwl+ecoul+elong;
thermo_style custom step temp pe etotal press vol density
thermo_modify lost error flush yes # emol = ebond+eangle+edihed+eimp;
run 100 # 500 ps

dump 1 all xyz 1
#dump_modify 1 element C H O

write_data data.grap1ohfull_nve pair ii # Data after NVE+Langevin
unfix 2
unfix 3
unfix 4

reset_timestep 0
fix 7 all npt temp {temp} {temp} 100.0 iso 0.0 0.0 1000.0 pchain 1 # Pressure unit in (atm)
#fix 7 all npt temp {temp} {temp} 100.0 x 0.0 0.0 1000.0 y 1.0 1.0 1000.0 z 1.0 1.0 1000.0 pchain 1 # Pressure unit in (atm)
timestep 1
thermo 100
#thermo_style custom step temp pe etotal press vol density evdwl ecoul elong epair ebond eangle edihed eimp emol # epair = evdwl+ecoul+elong;
thermo_style custom step temp pe etotal press vol density
thermo_modify lost error flush yes # emol = ebond+eangle+edihed+eimp;
run 300 # 1000 ps

dump 2 all xyz 1
write_data data.grap1ohfull_npt pair ii # Data after NVE+temp/rescaling+Langevin+NPT

unfix 7

#---------------------------MD simulation------------------------------------xxx
#---------------------------Stress Calculation-------------------------------xxx
reset_timestep 0
compute peratom graphene stress/atom mobile_temp virial
compute p graphene reduce sum c_peratom[1] c_peratom[2] c_peratom[3] c_peratom[4] c_peratom[5] c_peratom[6]

Storing pxx, pyy, pzz and pxy as variables

variable p1 equal c_p[1]
variable p2 equal c_p[2]
variable p3 equal c_p[3]
variable p4 equal c_p[4]
#variable stress equal (c_p[1]+c_p[2]+c_p[3])/(3*2477.6588) # per-atom stress is negative of total pressure p

Calculation of stresses and strains # per-atom stress is sum of diagonal components in stress tensor

variable multiplication_factor equal 101.3251e-6 # stress converstion from atm to GPa
variable f equal {multiplication_factor} variable sigmax equal (v_f)*(c_p[1]/{gvol})
variable sigmay equal (v_f)

Applying axial and shear strain by fix deform

fix 8 all nvt temp {temp} {temp} 5.0 drag 1
fix 9 all deform 1 x erate {erate1} units box remap x fix print all print 100 "{s1} {p1} {p2} {p3} {p4}" file wgw.defo.txt screen no

Run the simulation

timestep 1
thermo 100
#thermo_style custom step temp v_strainx c_Utot
thermo_style custom step temp v_strainx v_sigmax v_sigmay v_mu v_lambda v_nu v_E lx v_C11 v_C12

run 300000 # 300 ps
write_data data.grap1ohfull_const pair ii

unfix 8
unfix 9

From a physical view point, any time you change a structure (in this case by adding OH groups), the stress will change. If it did not, that would be very surprising. If you want the stress to start at zero, you will have to adjust the periodic dimensions. You can do this manually, or you can do a minimization with fix box/relax. You are using fix npt to relax the average hydrostatic pressure to be zero:

fix 7 all npt temp {temp} {temp} 100.0 iso 0.0 0.0 1000.0 pchain 1 # Pressure unit in (atm)

which is reasonable, but you are using ‘iso’ which means not allowing x, y, and z dimensions to change independently. Instead use aniso.
