GULP on Homebrew

What is the reason you have to request a GULP download from the website? I would like to make a homebrew formula so that it is easier to install, but that would require cloning some source from github or the code to be availably without sending an e-mail.

I have a docker image with GULP compiled but it is large and not as easy to use as homebrew in my opinion.

The issue is that github is for Open Source codes, whereas the point of having to request a download link is that when you do this you agree to a set of license conditions which are not compatible with being Open Source. If you are installing on a standard Linux system with gfortran present you should largely be able to type "./mkgulp " in the source directory and so hopefully this isn’t too difficult. If you have a more automated procedure (e.g. a cmake compilation) then you can always contribute this for free so that it’s part of the download tar file.

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Makes sense! I’ll let you know if I come up with anything.