help with installation of voronoi package

Hello all,

I have tried to install voronoi package following the instructions existing in README file in src/VORONOI directory of lammps. However, I get the following compilation error. Could anyone please help me how solve this problem?

…/compute_voronoi_atom.h:24:21: fatal error: voro++.hh: No such file or directory

I looked at the “include/voro++” directory where voronoi has been installed in my system, I could locate voro++.hh file.



Hi Farshad,
have you tried looking at src/VORONOI/README? Because in there I give instructions on how to install:

== Installation of the Voro++ library ==

  1. Download Voro++ at
    which gives instructions for using SVN to check-out the source:
    % svn checkout

  2. compile Voro++
    % make

  3. install Voro++ at the default location (/usr/local)
    % sudo make install

3b. …or change the PREFIX variable in the file
to a location that is writable by the user i.e.

  1. In the LAMMPS src directory add the VORONOI package
    % make yes-voronoi

4b. if a different PREFIX than the default was used to install Voro++
update the paths in the src/VORONOI/Makefile.lammps file

  1. Compile LAMMPS (you should know how that works)
