HKK force model with different particles

i have the following problem when using LAMMPS.
I am runnig a molecular dynamics simulation for granular matter using HKK force model but i have essentially to type of particles, so i have to set up to different parameters for the force model for each particle but i do'y know how to do it

i have the following problem when using LAMMPS.
I am runnig a molecular dynamics simulation for granular matter using
HKK force model but i have essentially to type of particles, so i have
to set up to different parameters for the force model for each particle
but i do'y know how to do it

DEM facilities in LAMMPS are quite limited and it is expected that per
particle properties are stored with the particles. now the fix
property/atom allows to associate arbitrary properties with an atom,
but you also would need to implement a pair style that utilizes it,
and probably also additional support via a custom fix.

in any case, i suggest you also have a look at the LIGGGHTS packages
to see, if perhaps the functionality you are looking for is already
available there, since this package focuses on DEM and provides many
DEM-related extensions that LAMMPS doesn't have (it is based on LAMMPS
and regularly synchronized with the LAMMPS code base, though).
