the lammps code is following:
Initialization ---------------------------------------------
units lj
boundary p p p # p = periodic
atom_style angle # only bonds and angle
neighbor 0.3 bin # 0.3 = extra distance beyond force cutoff (distance units)
bin = binning an operation that scales linearly with the number of atoms per processor
neigh_modify delay 5
Parameters ---------------------------------------------------
variable step equal step
variable k_bond equal 2000000.0
variable k_angle equal 50000.0
variable randomseed equal 239710 # 6位數字
variable epsilon equal 1.0
variable sigma1 equal 1.0
variable sigma2 equal 0.01
variable sigma3 equal 1.0
variable cutoff1 equal ${sigma1} # lj potential cutoff
variable lowerb equal -100.0
variable upperb equal 100.0
variable dumpstep equal 500 # per dumpstep output a dump
variable thermostep equal 500 # per thermostep output a thermo
variable totalstep1 equal 150000
variable timestep equal 0.00001
variable PEStep equal 23000
variable force equal 5.0
variable VELOCITY equal 1.0
variable R0 equal 11
Configuration ------------------------------------------------
read_data R10L220w.cylinder
region 1 block {upperb} EDGE EDGE EDGE EDGE EDGE
region 2 block EDGE {lowerb} EDGE EDGE EDGE EDGE
region 3 cylinder x 0 0 v_R0 {lowerb}-10 {lowerb}+10 open 2
region 4 cylinder x 0 0 v_R0 {upperb}-10 {upperb}+10 open 1
group 1 region 1
group 2 region 2
group 3 id <= 16758
group 4 id > 16758
Force field ---------------------------------------------------
pair_style lj/cut {cutoff1} # lj potantial / 1.122 = result of differential
pair_coeff 1 1 {epsilon} {sigma1} {cutoff1} # atom type 2 term [epsilon] [sigma] [cutoff]
pair_coeff 1 2 {epsilon} {sigma2} {cutoff1} # atom type 2 term [epsilon] [sigma] [cutoff]
pair_coeff 2 2 {epsilon} {sigma3} {cutoff1} # atom type 2 term [epsilon] [sigma] [cutoff]
bond_style harmonic # potential = E = K(r-r0)^2
bond_coeff 1 {k_bond} 1.0 # [bond type] [K] [r0]
#angle_style harmonic # potential = E = K(theta-theta0)^2
#angle_coeff 1 {k_angle} 180 # [angle type] [K] [theta0(degree)]
angle_style area_volume
angle_coeff 1 1 1 1 1 1 # type ka a0 kv v0 kl
Action ---------------------------------------------------------
fix a 1 nvt temp 0.0001 0.0001 1.0
fix b 2 nvt temp 100 100 1.0
#fix w all wall/region 3 lj93 {epsilon} {sigma1} {cutoff1} # [regionID] [epsilon] [sigma] [cutoff]
#fix w all wall/region 4 lj93 {epsilon} {sigma1} {cutoff1} # [regionID] [epsilon] [sigma] [cutoff]
fix left 1 setforce NULL 0.0 0.0
fix right 2 setforce NULL 0.0 0.0
angular velocity type------------------------
#variable Vyu atom ${VELOCITY}*z/(y^2+z^2)^0.5
#variable Vzu atom -${VELOCITY}*y/(y^2+z^2)^0.5
#variable Vyl atom -${VELOCITY}*z/(y^2+z^2)^0.5
#variable Vzl atom ${VELOCITY}*y/(y^2+z^2)^0.5
#velocity 1 set NULL v_Vyu v_Vzu
#velocity 2 set NULL v_Vyl v_Vzl
torque type----------------------------------
compute a 1 property/atom y
compute b 1 property/atom z
compute c 2 property/atom y
compute d 2 property/atom z
variable ycoordu atom -{force}*c_a
variable zcoordu atom {force}*c_b
variable ycoordl atom {force}*c_c
variable zcoordl atom -{force}*c_d
fix aleft 1 addforce 0.0 v_zcoordu v_ycoordu
fix aright 2 addforce 0.0 v_zcoordl v_ycoordl
Compute and Dump -----------------------------------------------
compute 4 all pe/atom angle # per-atom energy is calculated by the various angle
compute 3 all pe/atom bond # per-atom energy is calculated by the various bond
#dump 1 all custom {totalstep1} pe%.R41L82_Kb{k_bond}_Ka${k_angle}_s${totalstep1} id c_3 c_4
dump 2 all custom ${dumpstep} atomlocal.* id x y z
Run -------------------------------------------------------------
timestep {timestep}
thermo {thermostep}
thermo_style custom step temp eangle ebond
restart ${totalstep1} twistcylinder.example
run ${totalstep1}
鄭又銓 <s103022207@…24…> 於 2019年11月19日 週二 下午8:07寫道: