How to customize a matminer.dataset that is not included in the list

Hi there, may I know how to customize a matminer.dataset which is not included in the list. I tried to edit the dataset_metadata.json, but I stuck at the ‘hash’ label. Could anyone provide some insights?

I tried to manually modifiy the, and dataset_metadata.json.

However, I still met an error message: "ValueError: Unrecognized dataset name: ", which is due to the missing definition in the global variable "_dataset_dict ".

I have no idea where the "_dataset_dict " is pre-defined?Does anyone know it?

Thank you very much!



Hey Eric,

Are you planning on contributing this for a PR to matminer or for other reasons?

If you are just doing it for convenience sake (i.e., not for a PR to matminer), I’m not sure customizing a matminer.dataset retrieval is your best option.

If you are planning on contributing it to matminer (which we appreciate!!), I recommend you open a PR there which I and @alex can help you troubleshoot.


Hi Alex,
Thank you very much for the instant reply!
Actually I was trying obtain and analyze a dataset that exists on the MPcontribs Portal. Here is the URL:
However, I wasn’t able to find that dataset in Matminer datasets list.
In addition, I did have future plan contributing my dataset but somehow I need to compare part of my results with the available dataset that mentioned above.

 Do you know how to retrieve that dataset through Matminer?

 Thank you very much!



Hi Eric,

@ardunn and I are working on getting matminer linked up to the MPContribs API. I’m currently reorganizing the 2dmatpedia dataset. Once I’m done (~next week) and until we integrate with matminer, you can use the mpcontribs-client directly to retrieve the dataset. Please see the API Docs and the example notebooks for details. Please feel free to apply for a MPContribs dataset when you’re ready.

happy to answer any additional questions,

Hi Patrick,

  Thank you very much for the kind help!

  Looking forward to it!



Hey Eric,

Ping this thread again in a few weeks if you are having trouble accessing the dataset through matminer and we can help you troubleshoot. As @tschaume said we are currently working on linking the two.
