How to explain high heating and cooling rates

I am new to Molecular Dynamics simulation. Many processes are unrealistic
in MD simulations. For e.g. I have observed that during heating or cooling
of a specimen, large heating/cooling rates are applied (10^12 K/s) and
still considered as slow cooling. Why?

Kindly explain.

With Thanks and Regards,

K Vijay Reddy
Research scholar

I am new to Molecular Dynamics simulation. Many processes are unrealistic in
MD simulations. For e.g. I have observed that during heating or cooling of a
specimen, large heating/cooling rates are applied (10^12 K/s) and still
considered as slow cooling. Why?

Kindly explain.

please note, it is not the purpose of the LAMMPS users mailing list to
explain other people's simulations to you, but rather discuss the
functionality of LAMMPS itself.
if you want explanations about specific applications of LAMMPS, i
suggest you contact the people having done those studies, as *those*
have made and justified their choices. LAMMPS is just a tool and has
no authority over what are meaningful choices of parameters.
