How to read multiple restart file in one script

Dear all,

After I run the simulation, I realize that I need to do more equilibration and data measurement for my system at many temperature points.

I have restart file at each of the temperature point, but it seems that LAMMPS does not allow me to do something like:

Variable tempSi index 1000 1100 1200 1300

label loop

read_restart npSi4nm.restart.${tempSi}Knve



Run 10000

Next tempSi

Jump file loop

Is there a way I can do one simulation which contains separate runs, each of which can read a different restart_file?



Dear all,

After I run the simulation, I realize that I need to do more equilibration and data measurement for my system at many temperature points.

I have restart file at each of the temperature point, but it seems that LAMMPS does not allow me to do something like:

Variable tempSi index 1000 1100 1200 1300

label loop

read_restart npSi4nm.restart.${tempSi}Knve



Run 10000

Next tempSi

Jump file loop

Is there a way I can do one simulation which contains separate runs, each of which can read a different restart_file?

In parallel, you can also use the command
line -partition option to use different processors
to run different simulations independently.

See Section 6.4 of the manual for an overview.


Thanks! Putting the “clear” after “next” and before “jump” enables me to do several read_restart in one input script.
