How to use eam potential function

dear sir
According to the instructions I learned that the error “ERROR: Pair coeff for hybrid has invalid style (src / pair_hybrid.cpp: 420)” was caused by my lose the keyword “eam / fs” in the “pair_coeff 1 1 Fe_mm.eam.fs Fe Fe” command,and the “pair coeffs” part in the data file will affect the command “pair_style hybrid”, but when I delete the “pair coeffs” in the data file, the following new errors appear:
dimension 3
boundary p p f
units real
atom_style full
neighbor 2.0 multi
neigh_modify delay 5
bond_style class2
angle_style class2

dihedral_style class2#
improper_style class2#
pair_style hybrid eam/fs lj/class2/coul/cut 10

pair_coeff 1 1 eam/fs Fe_mm.eam.fs Fe
pair_coeff 1 2 lj/class2/coul/cut 0.00172357 3.4927 10
pair_coeff 1 3 lj/class2/coul/cut 0.002521 2.7794 10
pair_coeff 1 4 lj/class2/coul/cut 0.0013844 2.7794 10
pair_coeff 2 2 lj/class2/coul/cut 0.062 3.854 10
pair_coeff 2 3 lj/class2/coul/cut 0.00005535 3.52626 10
pair_coeff 2 4 lj/class2/coul/cut 0.0000304 3.854 10
pair_coeff 3 3 lj/class2/coul/cut 0.023 2.878 10
pair_coeff 3 4 lj/class2/coul/cut 0.0000445 3.52626 10
pair_coeff 4 4 lj/class2/coul/cut 0.04 3.854 10

group Fe1 id 1:1200
group Fe2 id 1201:2400
group c7h16 molecule 2:241

fix 1 all nvt temp 300 300 10

thermo_style custom step etotal ke temp pe press density
thermo 2000
timestep 1
dump 1 all xyz 1000
run_style respa 2 2 pair 1 kspace 2
run 50000

ERROR: Incorrect args for pair coefficients (src/MANYBODY/pair_eam_fs.cpp:51)
Last command: pair_coeff 1 1 eam/fs Fe_mm.eam.fs Fe

How do I set “pair_coeff” correctly?How do I set “pair_coeff” correctly? Looking forward to your guidance.

dear sir


ERROR: Incorrect args for pair coefficients (src/MANYBODY/pair_eam_fs.cpp:51)
Last command: pair_coeff 1 1 eam/fs Fe_mm.eam.fs Fe

How do I set “pair_coeff” correctly?How do I set “pair_coeff” correctly? Looking forward to your guidance.

yes, this line is still in violation of the requirements stated in the documentation for the eam/fs pair_style and how to map elements to atom types for manybody potentials in hybrid pair styles. all the information is spelled out in great detail there.
