Incomplete run

Consider the script in [1] which I ran on gpu [2] and cpu [3]. As you can see in the output files, it seems that the gpu run is incomplete! and some of the results are zero, e. g. "Total # of neighbors" while they aren't zero in cpu run.

Is that a sign of abnormality?!



Consider the script in [1] which I ran on gpu [2] and cpu [3]. As you can see in the output files, it seems that the gpu run is incomplete! and some of the results are zero, e. g. "Total # of neighbors" while they aren't zero in cpu run.

total # of neighbors can only show the stats for neighbor lists
computed on the CPU. if you are running with neighbor lists on the GPU
(default setting), the numbers in the summary section of the output
will be zero.


total # of neighbors can only show the stats for neighbor lists
computed on the CPU. if you are running with neighbor lists on the GPU
(default setting), the numbers in the summary section of the output
will be zero.

So is that result reliable?
Why it is the default setting while it reports zero?
How can change the default setting to make both situations equal?
Are you talking about neighbor command?


total # of neighbors can only show the stats for neighbor lists
computed on the CPU. if you are running with neighbor lists on the GPU
(default setting), the numbers in the summary section of the output
will be zero.

So is that result reliable?

this is no indication. you are running the jobs, so you have to be
able to tell whether there was any disruption, segfault or other
things. nobody can tell from remote. the log file does not contain
system errors or similar.

Why it is the default setting while it reports zero?

you are not paying attention. again! this is a very bad and annoying habit.

computing neighbor lists on the GPU is the default setting for the GPU
package. and it is the default, because it is faster. nobody cared to
collect this purely diagnostic (and rather approximate) information on
the GPU, so it reports zero. it has no significance.

How can change the default setting to make both situations equal?

read the manual! that is what it is for.
but it makes no sense to change a setting which will cause a
significant slowdown for some approximate and rarely used diagnostic.

Are you talking about neighbor command?
