Issues with magnitude of applied external field

I am attempting to verify the performance of the fix efield command. I set up a simple system with a few TIP3P water molecules. I calculated the forces on each atom with no external field and with an applied external field of .1 V/angstrom in the direction of the z-axis. Then, I took the difference in z component of the forces on each atom (with and without an external field) and divided by the charge of that atom. After carrying out the appropriate unit conversions this should yield a value of .1 V/angstrom, but I am getting a value of ~.26. Is this an issue with the implementation, or am I making a mistake? Lammps input files are shown below as well as a python script to calculate the applied field.

----------- structure.dat ---------------

LAMMPS data file via write_data, version 12 Dec 2018, timestep = 19240000

9 atoms
2 atom types
6 bonds
1 bond types
3 angles
1 angle types
0 impropers
0 improper types

1.1703503591503361e+00 4.7829649640855514e+01 xlo xhi
1.1703503591503361e+00 4.7829649640855514e+01 ylo yhi
1.1703503591503361e+00 4.7829649640855514e+01 zlo zhi


1 15.9994
2 1.00794

Pair Coeffs # lj/cut/coul/long

1 0.102 3.188
2 0 0

Bond Coeffs # harmonic

1 450 0.9572

Angle Coeffs # harmonic

1 55 104.52

Atoms # full

196 192 1 -8.3399999999999996e-01 4.6633003919069488e+01 1.4340843855491901e+01 3.1773569106055568e+00 -2 -7 3
194 192 2 4.1699999999999998e-01 4.7047863995991385e+01 1.4717487311993107e+01 3.9534127483204888e+00 -2 -7 3
195 192 2 4.1699999999999998e-01 4.7031741570866458e+01 1.4806469312634462e+01 2.4422153876993460e+00 -2 -7 3
193 191 1 -8.3399999999999996e-01 4.6145767669394068e+01 6.8469346709683601e+00 2.5403089509668018e+01 0 -3 -8
192 191 2 4.1699999999999998e-01 4.5833390713831839e+01 6.0885689626130448e+00 2.5896581080036292e+01 0 -3 -8
191 191 2 4.1699999999999998e-01 4.7091824283587300e+01 6.7171563113153105e+00 2.5337011524625833e+01 0 -3 -8
199 193 1 -8.3399999999999996e-01 3.9011683390379332e+01 2.5033409568055053e+01 4.5593393738722817e+01 -4 4 -1
197 193 2 4.1699999999999998e-01 3.9253185355361985e+01 2.5814683714860536e+01 4.6090906902813018e+01 -4 4 -1
198 193 2 4.1699999999999998e-01 3.9399947352470264e+01 2.5169708698958217e+01 4.4729156802080553e+01 -4 4 -1


196 7.3121330182025605e-04 2.4659344353605678e-03 2.5949486192051716e-03
194 9.4401731689048012e-03 -2.4200211680022285e-04 -7.5648134923503513e-04
195 1.4529464690668983e-03 -3.6451415952267687e-03 -8.6719269555189096e-04
193 -1.2783819273667484e-03 -6.0529701689978309e-03 2.8400417261422060e-03
192 4.6824849880882976e-03 1.3295216559454132e-03 1.7941305077018601e-02
191 7.0095410126012837e-04 3.7938190301906277e-03 1.1758612330964082e-02
199 -5.2870289341674639e-03 8.9154982785344763e-04 2.2501048282937606e-03
197 5.9487474203909962e-03 -6.1718506498871584e-03 7.8904274107742811e-03
198 9.7344352511807928e-03 -5.5309951927488337e-03 7.9966492684395169e-03


271 1 196 194
272 1 196 195
3061 1 193 191
3062 1 193 192
6381 1 199 197
6382 1 199 198


136 1 195 196 194
1531 1 192 193 191
3191 1 198 199 197

-------------- inputNoEfield ---------------------------

units real

boundary  p p p
atom_style full

bond_style harmonic

angle_style harmonic

improper_style harmonic

pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 10.000000000000000

read_data structure.dat
run_style verlet

timestep 1.000000000000000

pair_coeff 1 1 0.102000000000000 3.188000000000000 10.000000000000000
pair_coeff 1 2 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 10.000000000000000
pair_coeff 2 2 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 10.000000000000000

dielectric 1.0

kspace_style pppm 0.000100000000000

mass 1 15.999400000000000
mass 2 1.007940000000000

bond_coeff 1 450.000000000000000 0.957200000000000

angle_coeff 1 55.000000000000000 104.519999999999996

fix mobileEnsStr all nvt temp 300.000000000000000 300.000000000000000 100.000000000000000
fix shakeFixB1A1GwaterGrpStr all shake 0.0001 100 0 b 1 a 1

timestep 1.0

dump dump1 all custom 1 noEfield.dump id mol q x y z fx fy fz
dump_modify dump1 sort id

run 0

------- inputWithEfield -----------------------

units real

boundary  p p p
atom_style full

bond_style harmonic

angle_style harmonic

pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 10.000000000000000

read_data structure.dat
run_style verlet

timestep 1.000000000000000

pair_coeff 1 1 0.102000000000000 3.188000000000000 10.000000000000000
pair_coeff 1 2 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 10.000000000000000
pair_coeff 2 2 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 10.000000000000000

dielectric 1.0

kspace_style pppm 0.000100000000000

mass 1 15.999400000000000
mass 2 1.007940000000000

bond_coeff 1 450.000000000000000 0.957200000000000

angle_coeff 1 55.000000000000000 104.519999999999996

fix mobileEnsStr all nvt temp 300.000000000000000 300.000000000000000 100.000000000000000
fix shakeFixB1A1GwaterGrpStr all shake 0.0001 100 0 b 1 a 1

timestep 1.0

fix externalField all efield 0.0 0.0 0.1

dump dump1 all custom 1 yesEfield.dump id mol q x y z fx fy fz
dump_modify dump1 sort id

run 0

------------ -----------------------------

import numpy as np

def get():
        #Read in data from dump files
        f1 = open('noEfield.dump')
        a1 = f1.readlines()[9:]
        f2 = open('yesEfield.dump')
        a2 = f2.readlines()[9:]

        #Create arrays containing charge and force
        qno = [float(i.split()[2]) for i in a1]
        fzno = [float(i.split()[8]) for i in a1]
        qyes = [float(i.split()[2]) for i in a2]
        fzyes = [float(i.split()[8]) for i in a2]

        #Compute applied electric field
        eField = list()
        for i in range(len(qno)):

        #Convert from  kcal/mole-angstrom/e to V/angstrom
        eField = [i*69.4786*(10**(-12)) for i in eField] #N / e
        eField = [i*(1.60218*(10**19)) for i in eField] #N / C
        eField = [i*(10**(-10)) for i in eField] #V/angstrom

        print('max: ' + str(max(eField)))
        print('min: ' + str(min(eField)))
        print('mean: ' + str(np.mean(eField)))

if __name__=="__main__":

I would suspect that your conversion factor is not consistent with the units LAMMPS is using.
For “real” units LAMMPS is using a factor of 23.060549 to get the force on an atom with charge 1.0 at 1V/angstrom (see file src/update.cpp).