lammps mpich

Dear all,

I am a new user of lammps and I am trying to compile lammps with mpi (to run lammps in parallel) but I have some problems

I am using Mandriva 2010.2 and the next version of lammps: Lammps-1Dec10.

I have modified the make files to my system and I have already compiled mpich libraries (mpich2-1.3.1.tar.gz) …but I still have some problems. First I build lammps in a single processor and I run some examples and everything was ok, but I can not obtain the executable with the parallel options

Here I attached the makefile I use and the output I obtain

It says that I do not have

Thank you so much for all your help



$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MAKEFILE

linux = RedHat Linux box, Intel icc, Intel ifort, MPICH2, FFTW

SHELL = /bin/sh


compiler/linker settings

specify flags and libraries needed for your compiler

CC = g++
CCFLAGS = -g -O -I/home/dcereceda/phD/LAMMPS/Lammps_mpi/My_mpich/include -DFFT_none
LINK = g++
LINKFLAGS = -g -O -L/home/dcereceda/phD/LAMMPS/Lammps_mpi/My_mpich/lib
SIZE = size


LAMMPS-specific settings

specify settings for LAMMPS features you will use

LAMMPS ifdef options, see doc/Section_start.html


MPI library, can be src/STUBS dummy lib

INC = path for mpi.h, MPI compiler settings

PATH = path for MPI library

LIB = name of MPI library

MPI_INC = -I/home/dcereceda/phD/LAMMPS/Lammps_mpi/My_mpich/include
MPI_PATH = -L/home/dcereceda/phD/LAMMPS/Lammps_mpi/My_mpich/lib
MPI_LIB = libmpich.a

FFT library, can be -DFFT_NONE if not using PPPM from KSPACE package

INC = -DFFT_FFTW, -DFFT_INTEL, -DFFT_NONE, etc, FFT compiler settings

PATH = path for FFT library

LIB = name of FFT library


additional system libraries needed by LAMMPS package libraries

these settings are IGNORED if the corresponding LAMMPS package

(e.g. gpu, meam) is NOT included in the LAMMPS build

SYSLIB = names of libraries

SYSPATH = paths of libraries

gpu_SYSLIB = -lcudart
meam_SYSLIB = -lifcore -lsvml -lompstub -limf
reax_SYSLIB = -lifcore -lsvml -lompstub -limf
user-atc_SYSLIB = -lblas -llapack

gpu_SYSPATH = -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64
meam_SYSPATH = -L/opt/intel/fce/10.0.023/lib
reax_SYSPATH = -L/opt/intel/fce/10.0.023/lib
user-atc_SYSPATH =


build rules and dependencies

no need to edit this section

include Makefile.package


Link target

(EXE): (OBJ)

Library target


Compilation rules



Individual dependencies

DEPENDS = (OBJ:.o=.d) include (DEPENDS)

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ERROR OBTAINED

g++ -g -O -I/home/dcereceda/phD/LAMMPS/Lammps_mpi/My_mpich/include -DFFT_none -DLAMMPS_GZIP -I/home/dcereceda/phD/LAMMPS/Lammps_mpi/My_mpich/include -DFFT_NONE -c modify.cpp
g++ -g -O -L/home/dcereceda/phD/LAMMPS/Lammps_mpi/My_mpich/lib -L/home/dcereceda/phD/LAMMPS/Lammps_mpi/My_mpich/lib angle.o atom.o atom_vec_atomic.o atom_vec_charge.o atom_vec.o atom_vec_hybrid.o bond.o bond_hybrid.o change_box.o comm.o compute_angle_local.o compute_atom_molecule.o compute_bond_local.o compute_centro_atom.o compute_cna_atom.o compute_com.o compute_com_molecule.o compute_coord_atom.o compute.o compute_dihedral_local.o compute_displace_atom.o compute_erotate_sphere.o compute_group_group.o compute_gyration.o compute_gyration_molecule.o compute_heat_flux.o compute_improper_local.o compute_ke_atom.o compute_ke.o compute_msd.o compute_msd_molecule.o compute_pair.o compute_pair_local.o compute_pe_atom.o compute_pe.o compute_pressure.o compute_property_atom.o compute_property_local.o compute_property_molecule.o compute_rdf.o compute_reduce.o compute_reduce_region.o compute_stress_atom.o compute_temp_com.o compute_temp.o compute_temp_deform.o compute_temp_partial.o compute_temp_profile.o compute_temp_ramp.o compute_temp_region.o compute_temp_sphere.o compute_ti.o create_atoms.o create_box.o delete_atoms.o delete_bonds.o dihedral.o displace_atoms.o displace_box.o domain.o dump_atom.o dump_cfg.o dump.o dump_custom.o dump_dcd.o dump_local.o dump_xyz.o error.o finish.o fix_adapt.o fix_addforce.o fix_ave_atom.o fix_ave_correlate.o fix_aveforce.o fix_ave_histo.o fix_ave_spatial.o fix_ave_time.o fix_box_relax.o fix.o fix_deform.o fix_deposit.o fix_drag.o fix_dt_reset.o fix_efield.o fix_enforce2d.o fix_evaporate.o fix_external.o fix_gravity.o fix_heat.o fix_indent.o fix_langevin.o fix_lineforce.o fix_minimize.o fix_momentum.o fix_move.o fix_nh.o fix_nh_sphere.o fix_nph.o fix_nph_sphere.o fix_npt.o fix_npt_sphere.o fix_nve.o fix_nve_limit.o fix_nve_noforce.o fix_nve_sphere.o fix_nvt.o fix_nvt_sllod.o fix_nvt_sphere.o fix_orient_fcc.o fix_planeforce.o fix_press_berendsen.o fix_print.o fix_read_restart.o fix_recenter.o fix_respa.o fix_rigid.o fix_rigid_nve.o fix_rigid_nvt.o fix_setforce.o fix_shake.o fix_shear_history.o fix_spring.o fix_spring_rg.o fix_spring_self.o fix_store_force.o fix_store_state.o fix_temp_berendsen.o fix_temp_rescale.o fix_thermal_conductivity.o fix_tmd.o fix_ttm.o fix_viscosity.o fix_viscous.o fix_wall.o fix_wall_harmonic.o fix_wall_lj126.o fix_wall_lj93.o fix_wall_reflect.o fix_wall_region.o force.o group.o improper.o input.o integrate.o irregular.o kspace.o lammps.o lattice.o library.o main.o memory.o min_cg.o min.o min_fire.o min_hftn.o minimize.o min_linesearch.o min_quickmin.o min_sd.o modify.o neigh_bond.o neighbor.o neigh_derive.o neigh_full.o neigh_gran.o neigh_half_bin.o neigh_half_multi.o neigh_half_nsq.o neigh_list.o neigh_request.o neigh_respa.o neigh_stencil.o output.o pack.o pair_born.o pair_buck_coul_cut.o pair_buck.o pair_coul_cut.o pair_coul_debye.o pair.o pair_dpd.o pair_dpd_tstat.o pair_gauss.o pair_hybrid.o pair_hybrid_overlay.o pair_lj96_cut.o pair_lj_cut_coul_cut.o pair_lj_cut_coul_debye.o pair_lj_cut.o pair_lj_expand.o pair_lj_gromacs_coul_gromacs.o pair_lj_gromacs.o pair_lj_smooth.o pair_morse.o pair_soft.o pair_table.o pair_yukawa.o random_mars.o random_park.o read_data.o read_restart.o region_block.o region_cone.o region.o region_cylinder.o region_intersect.o region_plane.o region_prism.o region_sphere.o region_union.o replicate.o respa.o run.o set.o shell.o special.o thermo.o timer.o universe.o update.o variable.o velocity.o verlet.o write_restart.o libmpich.a -o …/lmp_quevedo
g++: libmpich.a: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** […/lmp_quevedo] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dcereceda/phD/LAMMPS/Lammps_mpi/lammps-1Dec10/src/Obj_quevedo’
make: *** [quevedo] Error 2
[dcereceda@…436… src] locate libmpich.a /home/dcereceda/phD/LAMMPS/Lammps_mpi/My_mpich/lib/libmpich.a /usr/lib64/libmpich.a [[email protected]... src]

Dear all,

I am a new user of lammps and I am trying to compile lammps with mpi (to run
lammps in parallel) but I have some problems

I am using Mandriva 2010.2 and the next version of lammps: Lammps-1Dec10.

I have modified the make files to my system and I have already compiled
mpich libraries (mpich2-1.3.1.tar.gz) ...but I still have some problems.
First I build lammps in a single processor and I run some examples and
everything was ok, but I can not obtain the executable with the parallel

Here I attached the makefile I use and the output I obtain

It says that I do not have

libraries are specified differently. you have to strip off the "lib"
and the ".a" or ".so"
so you link to libmpich.a with -lmpich
or you don't use the -L flag to set a path and then have to use the
full path to libmpich.a

but then again. i would advise overall against using MPICH at all,
since in my experience OpenMPI is a significantly better MPI
implementation. for example you don't even need to specify
the location of the MPI header or library since the mpicxx
wrappers do work well. :wink:


Dear all,

after some days trying to figure out how to solve the problem I had with lammps I have finally compiled LAMMPS in parallel with openmpi

thank you so much for your help and all your advices



2011/3/30 Axel Kohlmeyer <[email protected]>