Dear Lammps Users,
I encounter a strange problem while running lammps using “run every” command.
I am simulating Helium bombardment on tungsten lattice in lammps.
I want to stop the simulations when the simulation box size is greater than
certain value. So i use the command,
run 20000 every 500 “variable zhival equal zhi” "if ‘${zhival} >= 120’ then quit "
Now, in this case, when my simulation step reaches 16000, the simulation stops because it satisfies the if condition
The output is :
Step Temp PotEng KinEng Press Pxx Pyy Pzz Volume Xlo Xhi Ylo Yhi Zlo Zhi
16000 2987.5038 -262687.96 12309.015 1186.4179 1463.2165 840.45356 1255.5837 806189.57 -0.5431528 79.468153 -0.52815146 79.453151 -0.163516 125.81525
Here zhival = 125.81525
Now I compared the results without “run every” command , i.e., with run 20000
The thermodynamic outputs are calculated at every 100 time steps in both the cases.
In this case, the out put is quite different. For 16000th time step with out “every” statement, the output looks like
Step Temp PotEng KinEng Press Pxx Pyy Pzz Volume Xlo Xhi Ylo Yhi Zlo Zhi
16000 3007.7591 -262771.24 12392.47 2002.6357 1236.1097 1782.5314 2989.2659 535033.09 -0.5431528 79.468153 -0.52815146 79.453151 -0.163516 83.443132
Here zhival = 83.443132
What is the reason for this discrepancy?
I use the latest lammps version (lammps-14May13)
Thanking you