[lammps-users] about mpirun


I had build the LAMMPS and run it normally 3 days ago. But last night, It can’t do it. When I write mpirun -np 4 lmp_linux < in.file, it give me an error: mpirun must be used to launch all MPI applications .some people say it is dynamic linker error. Though I make clean-all and build it again, It also give me the same error. What wrong? How can I resolve it. would some kind persons give me a hand? Thanks in advance


I had build the LAMMPS and run it normally 3 days ago. But last night, It
can't do it. When I write mpirun -np 4 lmp_linux < in.file, it give me an
error: mpirun must be used to launch all MPI applications .some people say

this is an installation error.

it is dynamic linker error. Though I make clean-all and build it again, It


also give me the same error. What wrong? How can I resolve it. would some
kind persons give me a hand? Thanks in advance

i would suspect that you have multiple MPI installations and that
the mpirun you use is not the one matching the MPI package that
you use for compilation.
