[lammps-users] creating supercell in LAMMPS

Dear LAMMPS users,

I have a question about creating a supercell in lammps
I have a unit cell cubic, dimension 32 angstrom each side which I created in Cerius2 and then prepared .car and .mdf file to use in lammps. It has 3000 atoms and 9 atom types.

Now, I want to create a 2 x 2 x 2 superlattice and make it a unit cell. I will have periodic boundary conditions in 3D.
Do I have to go back to cerius2 to create this or I can do it using lammps ?

I checked the create_box command, it requires a region. I am getting errors.

Thanks for suggestions,


Input file:

Dear LAMMPS users,

I have a question about creating a supercell in lammps
I have a unit cell cubic, dimension 32 angstrom each side which I created
in Cerius2 and then prepared .car and .mdf file to use in lammps. It has
3000 atoms and 9 atom types.

Now, I want to create a 2 x 2 x 2 superlattice and make it a unit cell. I
will have periodic boundary conditions in 3D.

Do I have to go back to cerius2 to create this or I can do it using lammps ?

check out the replicate command.
