[lammps-users] Error


I am having a problem with my code on CNT-silicon interface. The program is running for a while and getting terminated in between showing the message

““ERROR: Empty brackets in input command””

what does that mean??

This is a part of my code:

fix 14 all nvt 300.0 300.0 0.25 drag 10.0
timestep 0.0005
run 50000
unfix 14

fix 5 all nve
fix 3 low temp/rescale 1 270.0 270.0 0.01 1.0
compute 1 low temp
fix 4 high temp/rescale 1 330.0 330.0 0.01 1.0
compute 2 high temp

compute ke all ke/atom
variable temp atom c_ke[]*7739
timestep 0.0005
thermo_style custom temp pe ke f_3 f_4
thermo 50
run 2500000


     I am having a problem with my code on CNT\-silicon interface\. The

program is running for a while and getting terminated in between showing the

""ERROR: Empty brackets in input command""

     what  does that mean??

that you didn't pay attention to the changes in the code.

it has been written in the new features/bugs page and
commented here on the list in response to similar questions,
that the syntax for variable references has been changed.

just removing the empty brackets should do the trick.


This is the offending line:
variable temp atom c_ke[]*7739

It's running for a while, b/c the variable
doesn't get evaulated right away. Just
remove the brackets. The syntax for
variables on this issue was changed a couple months back..
