[lammps-users] fix imd problem

hello everyone:

when i tried to use the command fix imd, it shows that
Waiting for IMD connection on port 5670.

then i open vmd with text mode and input imd connet localhost 5670, nothing happens to vmd, what’s wrong ?

am i wrong in any operation above?

thank you very much.

hello everyone:

hello lisa,

when i tried to use the command fix imd, it shows that
Waiting for IMD connection on port 5670.
then i open vmd with text mode and input imd connet localhost 5670, nothing
happens to vmd, what's wrong ?

i don't quite understand why you would want to run
interactive MD with VMD in text mode. there is not
graphics to interactively update...

am i wrong in any operation above?

impossible to tell you don't provide any details.
you could have made a typo (did you really type
"connet" or "connect"??), left out some important
step or have a problem with your machine configuration
having too restrictive a firewall.

answers can only be as good as the question asked.


hello axel,

I tried two ways to use imd command. First, I wanted to look at the vmd in linux system at located machine(I perform lammps computation at this machine) and found that “cann’t open display”,as the machine is a cluster and i thought it was a problem of display variable,so I want to look at vmd at my own windows machine, however it cann’t connect the localhost I specified( fix imd all 5678), I don’t know how to do it

thank you

2010/5/14 Axel Kohlmeyer <[email protected]>

hello axel,

hello lisa,

I tried two ways to use imd command. First, I wanted to look at the vmd in
linux system at located machine(I perform lammps computation at this
machine) and found that "cann't open display",as the machine is a cluster
and i thought it was a problem of display variable,so I want to look at vmd

so you need to use proper X11 forwarding.

at my own windows machine, however it cann't connect the localhost I

you can only connect to "localhost" if you are running lammps
on the local machine, i.e. localhost or

specified( fix imd all 5678), I don't know how to do it

it looks like you have some fundamental problem in understanding
the whole IMD architecture and what the various components do.
this is impossible to explain over e-mail. please look at the IMD
documentation/tutorials at:: Interactive Molecular Dynamics Simulation
give that a try and then it may be easier to get IMD with LAMMPS working.

at the moment i really don't know what other advice to give.


ok, i make it, thank you.

2010/5/18 Axel Kohlmeyer <[email protected]>