[lammps-users] For Axel: Triclinic cell support in VMD


I was searching through the mailing list, and saw you had implemented triclinic cell support in VMD.
I would be interested in getting a copy of the source code for this, for some of the things I am currently working on. You said you would be able to supply this for users to compile themselves.

Thank you,
Michael Doig


the easiest way to get access to the new code is
to download and install the latest VMD alpha binaries.

this page tells you how to access them.

they'll also have the topotools plugins with triclinic
cell read support included.

i'll try to put together a small package to compile
a standalone molfile plugin. and will attach it to




Do I need to do anything else after installing the latest alpha version of VMD?
I installed V. 1.8.8a18, and tried to read a LAMMPS trajectory file which has a triclinic cell, and VMD just crashes with the error below:

My simulation itself runs ok, because I can visualise xyz coordinates if I dump them.

Does the alpha version contain the updated lammpsplugin, or was that the molfile plugin you were referring to, and will I need that to get it to work.




Do I need to do anything else after installing the latest alpha version
of VMD?

not really.

I installed V. 1.8.8a18, and tried to read a LAMMPS trajectory file
which has a triclinic cell, and VMD just crashes with the error below:

that is strange. that error message should only appear
in an older version of VMD. can you make a test file available?

My simulation itself runs ok, because I can visualise xyz coordinates if
I dump them.

Does the alpha version contain the updated lammpsplugin, or was that the
molfile plugin you were referring to, and will I need that to get it to

the VMD development cvs has all updates. i have uploaded the sources
here as well. just unpack, type make (assuming that you are running linux)
and copy the lammpsplugin.so file over the existing one in your
VMD-1.8.7 installation. if you launch vmd, you should then see a message
that there is one new plugin.



Thanks Axel, that works great now.
