[lammps-users] How run parallel on cluster by LAVA

Dear lammps users,

Did you hear about and use Lava job control system?
I often used "mpirun -hostfile hostfile -np 8 lmp < int > thermo_log’ , where hostfile is “compute-2-8.local max_slots=2” things. However, we have to use LAVA to submit jobs later.
To submit parallel jobs by lava is
bsub -n 4 myjob
My question is how to write “myjob”

Best wishes,
Yangpeng Ou

Dear lammps users,
Did you hear about and use Lava job control system?
I often used "mpirun -hostfile hostfile -np 8 lmp < int > thermo_log' ,
where hostfile is "compute-2-8.local max_slots=2" things. However, we have
to use LAVA to submit jobs later.
To submit parallel jobs by lava is
"bsub -n 4 myjob"
My question is how to write "myjob"

this has nothing to do with lammps, but is a generic MPI problem.
you have to inquire how to run _any_ mpi application on that
machine and then you know what to do with lammps.
