[lammps-users] how to compile the new added cpp and h file

Dear anyone who concern,
                                          I had a new potential that had
been published in paper "Lennard-Jones type pair-potential method for
coarse-grained lipid
bilayer membrane simulations in LAMMPS". I downloaded the potential file
from the paper and the paper authors gave reader details on how to compile
the new potential as shown below,
[image: image.png]
I then copied the CPP and h file into the src folder and using Linux
command "make serial" to compile but it appeared the wrong message about
the given CPP and h file.

[image: image.png]
Then I tried to give the cpp and h file permissions,

[image: image.png]

But, it appears more complicated error

[image: image.png]

Could anyone give suggestions about this? Thanks for any suggestions in


*Wenhao Yao*
*First-Year Ph.D. Student*



Those messages in the third Screenshot are warnings not errors and can be ignored.

