[lammps-users] how to control the press of the system with boundary s s s

hello , i want silulation some nanosystem with boundary sss,and i
also want to control the press of this system. but the commond of
control press in lammps ,like fix npt,or fix press/berendsen, should
be used with boundary ppp. how can i do for my goal?


hello , i want silulation some nanosystem with boundary sss,and i
also want to control the press of this system. but the commond of
control press in lammps ,like fix npt,or fix press/berendsen, should
be used with boundary ppp. how can i do for my goal?

please think about what you want to model.

if you don't have any boundaries, you have
to have something that will "pressurize"
your system. what would that be in your case?
