[lammps-users] how to embed the input file?

Dear Lammps User.

        Right now when I use lammps, I should enter the command like
"Lmp < in.test".
        If I want put the "in.test" in the source, where should I modified.
        In other words, the only command I should enter is "Lmp" and
it will read the input file "in.test" automatically.

Dear Lammps User.

   Right now when I use lammps, I should enter the command like

"Lmp < in.test".
If I want put the "in.test" in the source, where should I modified.
In other words, the only command I should enter is "Lmp" and
it will read the input file "in.test" automatically.

why the hell would you want to do that???

you can easily write your own main function.
the LAMMPS_NS::Input:::file() method is
overloaded to take either no argument
(for reading from stdin) or a filename.
