Rather than general indentation test, where we put some indenter above the material and the material is put in some substrate.
I would like to model following indentation situation:
I don’t wanna to use the substrate, instead, I put another indenter below the material, which is similar the case that the two indenters are used to compress the material. Following is sampled commands.
fix 1 all indent 20.0 sphere 271.5475 271.5475 421.7475 10 units box
fix 2 all indent 20.0 sphere 271.5475 271.5475 321.7475 10 units box
minimize …
Is it reasonable? Will the two indenters take effect “Simultaneously”.
It seems a little conflict with what is written in manual “the input script is read one line at a time and each command takes effect when it is read…”