[lammps-users] lammps 14Nov09 package universe.cpp not updated

The release date in universe.cpp on the current lammps tar still has the old release of Jul 2009,
This confused me for a while when I started the new lammps I built today,

version = (char *) "14 Nov 2009";


Brock Palen
Center for Advanced Computing
[email protected]...


this is intentional. i suggested encoding the patchlevel into the version
string quite a while ago, but got the corresponding response from steve.

the reason behind it is that restart files are checked against this string
and a warning is being printed. i don't mind personally, so our local
version actually has the release and the patchlevel (and the level of
the CG-CMM potential) encoded, as i prefer to know what patchlevel
i have to debug, if something goes wrong.

The release date in universe.cpp on the current lammps tar still has
the old release of Jul 2009,
This confused me for a while when I started the new lammps I built

version = (char *) "14 Nov 2009";

i would like to caution you to make this version available.
paul crozier and i found out yesterday, that there is still
something wrong with the handling of velocities in the 14Nov


The version string is only updated when a major
release of LAMMPS is made, about every 6 months.
