[lammps-users] lammps output energy and temperature for airebo potential

Dear all,

     I used lammps-airebo potential for a short NVE test for (8,4) carbon
nanotubes at the relaxed status (bondlength = 1.42A).

     The output of lammps indicates total Energy = -822 Kcal/mol (112
atoms total) equivalent to -0.32 eV/atom. It does not make sense to
me, since using the potential equations in Brenner's paper, even just
two body potential will give me -6 eV/atom (full potential
-7.2eV/atom for my CNT). The lammps output temperature ~ 0.3K also
looks suspicious to me. Can anyone explain the lammps output or
point out if I have made a mistake in the above approximation?

the two input files are pasted below

# initialization Section
units real
atom_style atomic

pair_style airebo 3.0 0 0

boundary f f p

read_data ${datafile}
pair_coeff * * /home/haibin/lammps/lammps-8Feb10/potentials/CH.airebo C

neighbor 2.0 bin
neigh_modify delay 5 check yes
timestep 0.5

thermo_style custom step temp etotal pe ke
group cnt type = 1
thermo 10

velocity cnt create 0.0 87287
fix 1 cnt nve

dump 1 cnt atom 10 dump.cnt
dump 2 cnt xyz 10 dump.xyz

run 2000


112 atoms
1 atom types

0 30 xlo xhi
0 30 ylo yhi
0 11.2709 zlo zhi


1 12.0


1 1 13.108954 18.91002 0.737975001
2 1 13.495222 19.168116 2.079749
3 1 14.791809 19.663049 2.348104
4 1 11.458981 15.716186 1.274685001
5 1 11.729735 17.077358 1.543040001
6 1 12.155513 17.901532 0.469620999
7 1 13.298468 12.155513 0.469620999
8 1 12.28998 13.108954 0.737975001
9 1 12.754013 18.610298 3.153167999
10 1 13.108954 18.91002 4.494941999
11 1 14.341974 19.547013 4.763296999
12 1 15.251808 19.72799 3.689878
13 1 11.536951 14.791809 2.348104
14 1 11.47201 15.251808 3.689878
15 1 11.588659 16.634736 3.958233
16 1 11.919482 17.501401 2.884814001
17 1 14.122642 11.729735 1.543040001
18 1 13.698599 11.919482 2.884814001
19 1 12.589702 12.754013 3.153167999
20 1 12.031884 13.495222 2.079749
21 1 18.091046 12.28998 0.737975001
22 1 17.704778 12.031884 2.079749
23 1 16.408191 11.536951 2.348104
24 1 15.483814 11.458981 1.274685001
25 1 19.741019 15.483814 1.274685001
26 1 19.470265 14.122642 1.543040001
27 1 19.044487 13.298468 0.469620999
28 1 17.901532 19.044487 0.469620999
29 1 18.91002 18.091046 0.737975001
30 1 12.434861 18.272721 5.568361001
31 1 12.754013 18.610298 6.910135
32 1 13.907959 19.38134 7.17849
33 1 14.791809 19.663049 6.105071001
34 1 11.652987 14.341974 4.763296999
35 1 11.536951 14.791809 6.105071001
36 1 11.498027 16.179102 6.373426001
37 1 11.729735 17.077358 5.300006999
38 1 14.565264 11.588659 3.958233
39 1 14.122642 11.729735 5.300006999
40 1 12.927279 12.434861 5.568361001
41 1 12.28998 13.108954 4.494941999
42 1 18.445987 12.589702 3.153167999
43 1 18.091046 12.28998 4.494941999
44 1 16.858026 11.652987 4.763296999
45 1 15.948192 11.47201 3.689878
46 1 19.663049 16.408191 2.348104
47 1 19.72799 15.948192 3.689878
48 1 19.611341 14.565264 3.958233
49 1 19.280518 13.698599 2.884814001
50 1 17.077358 19.470265 1.543040001
51 1 17.501401 19.280518 2.884814001
52 1 18.610298 18.445987 3.153167999
53 1 19.168116 17.704778 2.079749
54 1 15.716186 19.741019 1.274685001
55 1 12.155513 17.901532 7.983553999
56 1 12.434861 18.272721 9.325327998
57 1 13.495222 19.168116 9.593682999
58 1 14.341974 19.547013 8.520264
59 1 11.81866 13.907959 7.17849
60 1 11.652987 14.341974 8.520264
61 1 11.458981 15.716186 8.788619
62 1 11.588659 16.634736 7.715200001
63 1 15.020898 11.498027 6.373426001
64 1 14.565264 11.588659 7.715200001
65 1 13.298468 12.155513 7.983553999
66 1 12.589702 12.754013 6.910135
67 1 18.765139 12.927279 5.568361001
68 1 18.445987 12.589702 6.910135
69 1 17.292041 11.81866 7.17849
70 1 16.408191 11.536951 6.105071001
71 1 19.547013 16.858026 4.763296999
72 1 19.663049 16.408191 6.105071001
73 1 19.701973 15.020898 6.373426001
74 1 19.470265 14.122642 5.300006999
75 1 16.634736 19.611341 3.958233
76 1 17.077358 19.470265 5.300006999
77 1 18.272721 18.765139 5.568361001
78 1 18.91002 18.091046 4.494941999
79 1 15.251808 19.72799 11.203812
80 1 11.919482 17.501401 10.398747
81 1 13.907959 19.38134 10.935457
82 1 12.031884 13.495222 9.593682999
83 1 11.81866 13.907959 10.935457
84 1 11.47201 15.251808 11.203812
85 1 11.498027 16.179102 10.130392
86 1 15.483814 11.458981 8.788619
87 1 15.020898 11.498027 10.130392
88 1 13.698599 11.919482 10.398747
89 1 12.927279 12.434861 9.325327998
90 1 19.044487 13.298468 7.983553999
91 1 18.765139 12.927279 9.325327998
92 1 17.704778 12.031884 9.593682999
93 1 16.858026 11.652987 8.520264
94 1 19.38134 17.292041 7.17849
95 1 19.547013 16.858026 8.520264
96 1 19.741019 15.483814 8.788619
97 1 19.611341 14.565264 7.715200001
98 1 16.179102 19.701973 6.373426001
99 1 16.634736 19.611341 7.715200001
100 1 17.901532 19.044487 7.983553999
101 1 18.610298 18.445987 6.910135
102 1 15.948192 11.47201 11.203812
103 1 19.280518 13.698599 10.398747
104 1 17.292041 11.81866 10.935457
105 1 19.168116 17.704778 9.593682999
106 1 19.38134 17.292041 10.935457
107 1 19.72799 15.948192 11.203812
108 1 19.701973 15.020898 10.130392
109 1 15.716186 19.741019 8.788619
110 1 16.179102 19.701973 10.130392
111 1 17.501401 19.280518 10.398747
112 1 18.272721 18.765139 9.325327998


Haibin Chen Ph.D.
Mechanical Engineering Dept
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pa, 15213


The airebo potential is coded in metal unit, see the top of the CH.airebo file. If you want to use it in real unit, you will have to do some modification on the potential file. So the easiest thing for you is to shift your input script to metal unit.

Cheers, Ajing

Thanks Ajing, and Vikas,

This saved me :slight_smile: