[lammps-users] meam example for SiC dos not work

Dear All,

I want to perform SiC simulation using Lammps and I found the SiC using meam potential in the Lammps example folder. When I was trying to run the example, the error message appeared “ERROR: Invalid pair style”, even I didn’t make any changes in the files including.

Is the meam potential can’t be read by Lammps compiler? So, What’s the solution of this problem?

Thank you for your advances,


Rizal Arifin
Master’s Student of Physics Department of National Central University
Chung-li, Taiwan

Dear All,
I want to perform SiC simulation using Lammps and I found the SiC using meam
potential in the Lammps example folder. When I was trying to run the
example, the error message appeared "ERROR: Invalid pair style", even I
didn't make any changes in the files including.
Is the meam potential can't be read by Lammps compiler? So, What's the
solution of this problem?

MEAM is an optional package. you have to enable it explicitly
when compiling lammps. please see the documentation for details.
