[lammps-users] morse plus electrostatic potential

Dear lammps users

I want to use a combination of Morse plus electrostatic potential described in several papers to model amorphous SiO2. Is there a possiblity to combine this two interations via a command in the in.file? Or have I to change the code for this purpose?

Best regards and thanks in advance.


hi sabine,

Dear lammps users

I want to use a combination of Morse plus electrostatic potential described
in several papers to model amorphous SiO2. Is there a possiblity to combine
this two interations via a command in the in.file? Or have I to change the
code for this purpose?

you don't need to change the code.

you can just use pair_style hybrid/overlay
and then use morse with coul/cut or coul/long
as needed. alternatively, you could tabulate
the potentials.
