[lammps-users] Noose Hoover Thermostat and Barostat

Dear Lammps users,

Could you please suggest some literature which would describe how the Noose Hoover Thermostat and Barostat are implemented by using velocity verlet algorithm, because I cannot really find any relevant sources.

Are the sources cited in the doc page in the manual insufficient?


Dear Lammps users,
Could you please suggest some literature which would describe how the Noose
Hoover Thermostat and Barostat are implemented by using velocity verlet
algorithm, because I cannot really find any relevant sources.

what about the papers cited in the documentation?
are they not sufficient?


Not really sufficient because from them it is not clear how verlet
algorithm is connected to those barostats and thermostats

My recollection is their is a Melchionna paper or possibly the
Tuckerman paper cited which does discuss velotiy-Verlet.
